Produced by Murailles Music and directed by its founder Julien Courquin, ‘Echos‘ is a documentary series that offers artists a space to speak out, outside the framework of the ordinary interview or promotional drum, and attempts to undo the formatted spaces that reduce music to a single representation (internet, record, concert).
The idea here is to put each musician’s thoughts at the forefront, to listen to them articulate what underpins their practice, organically, conceptually, poetically, what it perpetuates or what it sets out to break away from, how it fits or doesn’t fit into a territory, a history, a duration. We walk, we travel, we work, we digress, the word goes its own way, gets lost, discovers itself, sometimes surprises itself.
‘Echos‘ heterogeneous trombinoscope invites us to discover a constellation of untimely, singular artists, whose often idiosyncratic, sometimes phenomenal practice is carried out over the long term, in an almost ritualistic way.
Ep #01 - L'Ocelle Mare 'objets chargés/charged objects'
Ep #02- Loup Uberto 'conte artisan/craftsman's tale'
Ep #03 - EloÏse Decazes 'impro-libriste' (balan-sing act)'
Ep #04 - Èlg 'micro thérapie’ (mic therapy)'
Ep #05 - Eric Chenaux ‘ballade infinie' (infinite balad)
Ep #06 - Alexis Degrenier 'battre le temps' (beating time)
Ep #07 - Borja Flames 'cosmogonie pop' (pop cosmogony)
Ep #08 - Gaspar Claus 'archer sonore' (sound archer)
Ep #09 - Sourdure 'Occitan troubadour'
Ep #10 - Radio Hito 'récital tramé' (plotted recital)
Ep #11 - Marion Cousin 'Matri-medium'
Ep #12 - Julien Desprez 'déphasage électrique'