- Temps en terre 1
- Temps en terre 2
- Temps en terre 3
- Temps en terre 4
- Temps en terre 5
- Temps en terre 6
- Temps en terre 7
- Temps en terre 8
- Temps en terre 9
"Those who’ve seen him live know how intensely physical he is as a performer - slapping, stomping and wringing jagged peals and click-clacking rhythmic patterns from tuning forks and scraps of instruments; a one-man band conceived by Beckett."
L’Ocelle Mare
Temps en Terre
Release date: 11/10/2017
‘Temps En Terre’ is the fifth album release from l’ocelle mare, and the first to have been recorded in a studio. The preceding releases were characterised by a marked acoustic: the echoey reverberations inherent to ‘Serpentement’ were thanks to the protestant temple it was recorded in; Engourdissement was entirely recorded in forest expanses, upon ponds and enclosed within remote wood cabins; ‘Porte d’Octobre’ was recorded entirely in urban spaces; and his first, unnamed album was entirely recorded in caves and churches. The pieces forming ‘Temps en Terre’ however, are recorded under a harsher gaze, presented in far cruder light, comparable to that of a live recording.
The instrumentation is composite, rustic, yet paradoxically sophisticated: piano, 6 string bass banjo, mechanical metronome, tuning forks, claves, hand and foot clapping and tapping, mini amps, amps, subwoofer, microphones, small mix desk, bells, mouth organ fragments, concertina, componiums, “stringin it”, audio ducker, drum skins, clockwork motors…