Winter Family



The duo from Jerusalem and Lotharingia formed by Ruth Rosenthal and Xavier Klaine has been developing for around fifteen years a unique universe, to say the least, alternating synthetic punk sounds and dronic prayers of a society on the edge of the precipice. Nourished by metal and baroque music, multidisciplinary theater and African-American culture, they continue to trace a unique path by defending a radical discourse that is aware of its contradictions. They play across the world in clubs, galleries and churches, music that is minimal, dark, political and abrasive, between magic, chaos and melancholy.

Winter Family also create documentary theatre performances produced by major European theaters. Sometimes their daughter Saralei plays with them.

‘On Beautiful Days’ is Winter Family‘s 4th album. It tells a lot of stories; that of the musicians themselves and their loved ones, those of their territories, of their life in Jerusalem, Paris or Lorraine; that of women, ‘witches’, conspiracy myths; that of capitalist and colonialist Europe; that of the blindness and violence of Israeli society and the indoctrination of its population; that of the occupation of Palestine; that of eternal lockdown and a laboratory rat; and maybe yours, too.

We hear layers of pump organs and harmoniums, an old piano, distortions and celestial white noise, sirens – the sound of marching boots – breathing during sleep – stun grenades at checkpoint 56 in Hebron recorded by Xavier, the flows of Saralei‘s flutes, beats played on an iPhone and Ruth‘s voice.

We dive into all these contemporary stories haunted by History, feeling of a leap into the void, a state of dissociation or a feeling of liberation.

Ruth Rosenthal
: drums, drum machine, voice
Xavier Klaine : pipe organs, Philicorda, piano, harmonium

Saralei Klaine (guest): flutes, backing vocals

Sound : Anne Laurin or Étienne Foyer




Booking : Julien Bitaudeau
Promo : Varvara Papaspanopoulou




  • On Beautiful Days

    Murailles Music / Sub Rosa / Hublotone2024
    LP / CD / Digital
  • Chevaliers

    Sub Rosa2016
    LP / Digital
  • South from here

    Sub Rosa / Ici d'ailleurs2016
    LP / CD / Digital
  • Red Sugar

    Sub Rosa / Ici d'Ailleurs2012
    CD / Double LP / Digital
  • Where Did You Go, My Boy?

    Marienbad Records2008
    LP / Digital
  • Winter Family

    Sub Rosa2006
    Double CD / Digital

Past shows

Click on "date", "city" or "venue" to change the list display
  • DateCountryCityVenuewith 
  • 03/18/2025FranceGrenoble (38)Le CielVentre de Bicheinfos event
  • 03/15/2025ItalieSavona (IT)Raindogs House (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/14/2025ItaliePiediripa (IT)Circolo Dong (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/13/2025ItalieFaenza (IT)Clan Destino (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/12/2025ItalieRoma (IT)Fanfulla 5/A (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/01/2025FranceÉvreux (27)Le KUBBTramhausinfos event
  • 12/14/2024FranceMarseille (13)l'EmbobineuseMaraudeur, Louise Lavi (Dj Set)infos event
  • 12/13/2024FranceDie (26)Isola Marius Atherton
  • 12/05/2024SuisseBern (CH)DampfzentraleDonna Candyinfos event
  • 12/04/2024SuisseLa-Chaux-De-Fonds (CH)burningsound labs (ANNULÉ)infos
  • 11/29/2024FranceDijon (21) Le Consortium, Selected by Sabotage x Nuits d'Orient (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 11/25/2024BelgiqueBruxelles (BE)Le Botanique, la Rotonde - release partytziiinfos event
  • 11/24/2024Pays-BasLeeuwarden (NL)Festival Explore the North, Neushoorn Arenainfos event
  • 11/23/2024FranceRennes (35)Le Jardin Moderne (orgas. L'Alambik & Carnival of Sound)Tout Bleu, Black Cambouisinfos event
  • 11/22/2024FranceBrest (29) Festival Invisible, la Carène Xiu Xiu, Tout Bleu, Grassman Vs Stompin' Bigfootinfos event
  • 11/21/2024FranceLille (59)L'AéronefOwen Pallettinfos event
  • 11/17/2024FranceJerusalem (IL)Autumn Cult Festival, Hazirainfos event
  • 10/31/2024FranceAmiens (80)Accueil Froid, Halloween Party Les Conférences Bunkerinfos
  • 10/30/2024FranceNantes (44)Stereolux, 'Dé-Fête'Papier Tigre, DISPARS (Alexis Degrenier & Clara Lévy), série 'Échos'infos event
  • 10/16/2024FranceParis (75)La Station, release party C_C, 'SIHR' par Frédéric D. Oberland / Grégory Dargent / Tony Elieh / Wassim Halalinfos event
  • 10/05/2024FranceClermont-Ferrand (63)La Coopérative de Mai, 'Dé-Fête'Rien Virgule, Das Kinn, série 'Échos'infos event
  • 09/25/2024FranceCherbourg (50)Le Circuit, 'Dé-Fête'Papier Tigreinfos event
  • 05/04/2024FranceLa Rochelle (17)Festival Paradoxal, L'Horizoninfos event
  • 04/23/2024FranceNancy (54)Le Royal Royal, soirée 'So Young But So Cold'
  • 11/06/2023IsraëlJerusalem (IL)HaZira Festival (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 10/20/2023SuisseLa Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)Festilab - FabLab birthdayinfos event
  • 10/14/2023FranceGerm-Louron (65)Chez LilyLaurent Paris et Anna Fayardinfos event
  • 10/13/2023FrancePau (64)La CentrifugeuseBraccoinfos event
  • 10/12/2023FranceNuces (12)Ferme CausselotChocolat Billy
  • 10/07/2023FranceNantes (44)FESTIVAL SONOCRAFT #4, Les Ateliers de Bitcheinfos event
  • 09/30/2023ItalieTorino (IT) El Paso Occupato
  • 09/29/2023France Lyon (69)Le SonicRomain de Ferroninfos event
  • 09/17/2023FranceThiers (63)Le MétroArlt
  • 09/16/2023FranceConcots (46)Le Bois de la LogetteFaustine Seilman, Esmerineinfos event
  • 09/15/2023FranceSaint-Jean-des-Ollière (63)Pic de la Garde
  • 09/10/2023FranceVitry-sur-Seine (94) Festival Frisson Acidulé #4, le Kilowattinfos event
  • 09/09/2023FranceWasquehal (59) festival Disorder #2, Black LabWhispering Sonsinfos event
  • 07/23/2023Etats-UnisBrattleboro Vermont (US)Epsilon SpiresEve Essexinfos event
  • 07/18/2023Etats-Unis New-York (US) The Sultan RoomGold Dime, Gushes, Katy Pinkeinfos event
  • 05/19/2023France Rennes (35) Marquis de Sade (orga. L'Alambik)Attic ted event
  • 03/10/2023FranceMontreuil (93)La MarbrerieNo Ageinfos event
  • 11/25/2022FranceRoubaix (59)La Condition Publiqueinfos event
  • 11/19/2022FranceRennes (35)L'Ubu, Festival TNB - After Ubu #1, avec Tempêtes, Vinny Van Malass (DJ set)infos event
  • 10/13/2022FranceNantes (44)le lieu unique, Scène Nationale de NantesGolem Mécaniqueinfos event
  • 06/24/2022FranceParis (75)Le ZorbaRivière de corps, Hyèneinfos event
  • 06/18/2022FrancePrigonrieux (24)La Claque FestivalArabian Panther (DJ), Tonton Action, Rank Ô, Bramainfos event
  • 06/17/2022FranceTarnac (19)Le Magasin Général event
  • 05/14/2022FranceMetz (57)Festival Passages Transfestival, Magic Mirrorsinfos event
  • 04/08/2022FranceParis (75)Espace Dunois (orga Arrache toi un œil)(ANNULÉ)GNOD, Mai Mai Mai event
  • 01/22/2022FranceLe Mans (72)Le Mans Sonore, Les Quinconces et L'Espal, Scène nationale du Mans (carte blanche Teriaki) (ANNULÉ)Lee Ranaldo & Raul Refree, Félix Kubin, Inga Huld Hákonardóttir & Yan Leguay event
  • 11/14/2021FranceParis (75)Le Point EphémèreJerusalem in my heart event
  • 10/09/2015FranceSainte-Marie-aux-Mines (68)Festival C'est dans la Vallée, ThéâtreMansfield.Tya, David Thomas and Two Pale Boys, Play Kat Onomainfos
  • 10/03/2015FranceParisNuit blanche 2015 'Back to Sodom', Musée d'art et d'histoire du judaïsmeinfos
  • 11/12/2014FranceParisFestival How to Love, Le Petit BainJef Barbarainfos event
  • 04/11/2014CanadaMontréal (Can)Casa del Popoloinfos event
  • 04/05/2014CanadaOttawa (Can)The Daily GrindCosì e Così,infos event
  • 04/04/2014CanadaToronto (Can)Mâyinfos event
  • 04/03/2014FranceHamilton (Can)The Baltimore HouseCosì e Così, Kashka, Delta Willinfos event
  • 04/02/2014CanadaLondon (Can)The APKinfos event
  • 01/22/2014FranceRouen (Sotteville-Lès-Rouen) Trianon Transatlantique [ANNULÉ]Momiesinfos
  • 10/21/2013FranceLyonLe Sonicinfos event
  • 10/20/2013FranceMarseilleDatainfos
  • 10/19/2013FranceToulouseLes Pavillons SauvagesConger! Conger!, Matthieu Besson, Renaud Butô event
  • 10/18/2013FrancePauFestival ' Le Grain De La Voix' - Chapelle des Réparatrices de Pauinfos
  • 10/04/2013JaponTokyo (jp) Urban Guild
  • 10/03/2013FranceKobe (jp) Guggenheim House
  • 10/02/2013FranceFukouka (jp) As-tetra
  • 10/01/2013FranceOita (jp) AtHall Club
  • 09/18/2013FranceOsaka (jp)Higashi Shinsaibashi Conpass
  • 09/17/2013FranceNagoya (jp) K.D Japan
  • 09/15/2013FranceKyoto (jp) Savanah
  • 09/13/2013JaponKyoto (jp) Takutaku
  • 06/29/2013FranceParisPoint Ephémèreinfos event
  • 06/23/2013ChineKumning ( Cn ) TCG Nordicainfos
  • 06/21/2013ChineChengdu ( Cn ) Jiaozi Concert Hallinfos
  • 06/14/2013FranceLilleMinor Place Records event
  • 06/13/2013BelgiqueBrusselsMaison du Peuple de Saint-Gillesinfos event
  • 03/30/2013FranceParisLe Point ÉphémèrePowerdoveinfos event
  • 03/29/2013FranceNantesLe Lieu Uniqueinfos event
  • 03/16/2013FranceRennes'Musiqu'Alambic', Le Jardin Moderneinfos event
  • 02/27/2013FranceLyonFestival 'Plug & Play' - Le Marché GareThe Healthy Boy & The Badass Motherfuckers, Ultimate Blast Dancefloorinfos
  • 02/22/2013FranceParisLe Louvre'Les Médusés' (Un parcours chorégraphique de Damien Jalet au Louvre, entouré de 12 danseurs de la compagnie Eastman et de 15 étudiants du conservatoire de danse d'Anvers ; des musiciens Winter family, Sofyanne Ben Mohammed du groupe Rayhazone, Mahabub et Sattar Khan ; des stylistes Bernhard Willhelm, Rein Vollenga, Undercover, Alexandra Mein)infos
  • 02/15/2013FranceParisLe Louvre'Les Médusés' (Un parcours chorégraphique de Damien Jalet au Louvre, entouré de 12 danseurs de la compagnie Eastman et de 15 étudiants du conservatoire de danse d'Anvers ; des musiciens Winter family, Sofyanne Ben Mohammed du groupe Rayhazone, Mahabub et Sattar Khan ; des stylistes Bernhard Willhelm, Rein Vollenga, Undercover, Alexandra Mein)infos
  • 02/08/2013FranceParisLe Louvre 'Les Médusés' (Un parcours chorégraphique de Damien Jalet au Louvre, entouré de 12 danseurs de la compagnie Eastman et de 15 étudiants du conservatoire de danse d'Anvers ; des musiciens Winter family, Sofyanne Ben Mohammed du groupe Rayhazone, Mahabub et Sattar Khan ; des stylistes Bernhard Willhelm, Rein Vollenga, Undercover, Alexandra Mein)infos
  • 01/19/2013AmiensLa Lune des PiratesTristesse contemporaineinfos




The duo from Jerusalem and Lotharingia formed by Ruth Rosenthal and Xavier Klaine has been developing for around fifteen years a unique universe, to say the least, alternating synthetic punk sounds and dronic prayers of a society on the edge of the precipice. Nourished by metal and baroque music, multidisciplinary theater and African-American culture, they continue to trace a unique path by defending a radical discourse that is aware of its contradictions. They play across the world in clubs, galleries and churches, music that is minimal, dark, political and abrasive, between magic, chaos and melancholy.

Winter Family also create documentary theatre performances produced by major European theaters. Sometimes their daughter Saralei plays with them.

‘On Beautiful Days’ is Winter Family‘s 4th album. It tells a lot of stories; that of the musicians themselves and their loved ones, those of their territories, of their life in Jerusalem, Paris or Lorraine; that of women, ‘witches’, conspiracy myths; that of capitalist and colonialist Europe; that of the blindness and violence of Israeli society and the indoctrination of its population; that of the occupation of Palestine; that of eternal lockdown and a laboratory rat; and maybe yours, too.

We hear layers of pump organs and harmoniums, an old piano, distortions and celestial white noise, sirens – the sound of marching boots – breathing during sleep – stun grenades at checkpoint 56 in Hebron recorded by Xavier, the flows of Saralei‘s flutes, beats played on an iPhone and Ruth‘s voice.

We dive into all these contemporary stories haunted by History, feeling of a leap into the void, a state of dissociation or a feeling of liberation.

Ruth Rosenthal
: drums, drum machine, voice
Xavier Klaine : pipe organs, Philicorda, piano, harmonium

Saralei Klaine (guest): flutes, backing vocals

Sound : Anne Laurin or Étienne Foyer




  • On Beautiful Days

    Murailles Music / Sub Rosa / Hublotone2024
    LP / CD / Digital
  • Chevaliers

    Sub Rosa2016
    LP / Digital
  • South from here

    Sub Rosa / Ici d'ailleurs2016
    LP / CD / Digital
  • Red Sugar

    Sub Rosa / Ici d'Ailleurs2012
    CD / Double LP / Digital
  • Where Did You Go, My Boy?

    Marienbad Records2008
    LP / Digital
  • Winter Family

    Sub Rosa2006
    Double CD / Digital


