Moondog on the streets



New York, winter of 1949: strange sounds emanate for the first time from a porch alongside the Avenue of the Americas (51 st Street) or from 2 W 46th Street. Later on, on 425 W 57th Street, these unusual rhythms, drawn from improbable instruments, would accompany the sirens of ships moored on a misty Hudson. At other times, they would mark a pause between two conversations held at the corner of 51st Street and 6th Avenue between onlookers and the creator of these rhythms: Moondog. For nearly twenty-five years, the man who was quickly nicknamed the Viking of 6th Avenue – due to his personal connection to Manhattan and his extravagant look – accompanied the daily life of New Yorkers by playing his music in the streets on percussive instruments of his own making.

New York, summer of 2019: seventy years later, three musicians will visit the streets of New York, Moondog’s favorite ground. There, they will pay tribute to the street music imagined by one of the first Dharma Bums. With a singular instrumentarium designed for this occasion, they will find themselves, during four urban performances, in the shoes of this forgotten genius.


Stéphane Garin : trimba, percussions
Thomas Bonvalet : six-string bass banjo, mechanical metronome, tuning forks, claves, hand and foot clapping, bells, mouth organ fragments, concertina, componiums, “stringin it”, drumhead
* Creation by Murailles MusicL’Usine Cnarep de Tournefeuille, the Studio d’en Haut and the Ville de Toulouse.
With the support of l’Institut français à Paris, the Ville de Nantes, Why Note and L’Agence culturelle départementale Dordogne-Périgord


Booking : amaury.muraillesmusic[at]
Promo : promo.muraillesmusic[at]



Past shows

Click on "date", "city" or "venue" to change the list display
  • DateCountryCityVenuewith 
  • 09/25/2021FranceBayonne / Biarritz (64)Divers lieuxinfos event
  • 07/17/2021FranceLabenne (40) MAXI #3, Théâtre de verdureinfos event
  • 07/03/2021FranceCoulounieix-Chamiers (24)Looping (lieu TBC)infos
  • 06/24/2021FranceJardin des Locos, Dijon (21)Festival Sonic Bloom, Why NoteLes Violoneusesinfos event
  • 06/23/2021FranceEvelle (21)Festival Sonic Bloom, Why Noteinfos event
  • 06/23/2019Etats-UnisNew YorkSpectrumAmaury Cornutinfos
  • 06/22/2019Etats-UnisNew YorkProspect Park
  • 06/22/2019Etats-UnisNew YorkLe BarbèsGavin Blackinfos
  • 06/21/2019Etats-UnisNew York Moondog's Cornerinfos
  • 06/02/2019FranceLabègeSaison itinérante d’ARTO, Maison Salvaninfos
  • 06/01/2019FranceSaint-GaudensFestival Jazz en comminges, Pronomadesinfos event
  • 05/31/2019FranceToulouseBibliothèque du Périgord event
  • 05/31/2019FranceToulouseBasilique Saint Sernin
  • 05/31/2019FranceToulousePlace Saint Pierre event



New York, winter of 1949: strange sounds emanate for the first time from a porch alongside the Avenue of the Americas (51 st Street) or from 2 W 46th Street. Later on, on 425 W 57th Street, these unusual rhythms, drawn from improbable instruments, would accompany the sirens of ships moored on a misty Hudson. At other times, they would mark a pause between two conversations held at the corner of 51st Street and 6th Avenue between onlookers and the creator of these rhythms: Moondog. For nearly twenty-five years, the man who was quickly nicknamed the Viking of 6th Avenue – due to his personal connection to Manhattan and his extravagant look – accompanied the daily life of New Yorkers by playing his music in the streets on percussive instruments of his own making.

New York, summer of 2019: seventy years later, three musicians will visit the streets of New York, Moondog’s favorite ground. There, they will pay tribute to the street music imagined by one of the first Dharma Bums. With a singular instrumentarium designed for this occasion, they will find themselves, during four urban performances, in the shoes of this forgotten genius.


Stéphane Garin : trimba, percussions
Thomas Bonvalet : six-string bass banjo, mechanical metronome, tuning forks, claves, hand and foot clapping, bells, mouth organ fragments, concertina, componiums, “stringin it”, drumhead
* Creation by Murailles MusicL’Usine Cnarep de Tournefeuille, the Studio d’en Haut and the Ville de Toulouse.
With the support of l’Institut français à Paris, the Ville de Nantes, Why Note and L’Agence culturelle départementale Dordogne-Périgord


Booking : amaury.muraillesmusic[at]
Promo : promo.muraillesmusic[at]

